Thursday, April 29, 2010

ArtFire: Going Pro!

Well after hemming and hawing for a few weeks I have decided to Go Pro! On Artfire that is. One thing that caught my eye was their etsy importer, also they have more options for you to design your shop the way you want to. When you list an item you can tell your creative story behind that item. Super nifty. I had also read that you get more views from search engines than lets say if you make it to the front  page of Artfire. I had just gone pro a couple of days and I have had way more views than my Etsy shop. You can have a blog on site and join a guild with their own forums.  I think or hope that it will catch on like Etsy. So I will keep you updated.

1 comment:

Kevin Ian said...

Congratulations on going pro on ArtFire! If you have any trouble getting started or you have questions, don't hesitate to stop by the Chatterbox Forums and ask. ArtFire staff members and other helpful members of the community are always willing to lend a hand!


Kevin Ian
Director of Social Media